Use "reek|reeked|reeking|reeks" in a sentence

1. Reek His breath reeked of tobacco.

2. Her denials reeked of hypocrisy.

3. His statement reeks of hypocrisy.

4. His breath reeked of garlic.

5. It definitely reeks of terrorism.

6. It reeks of excess.

7. It reeks, you know.

8. A horse reeking with sweat.

9. Their actions reek of corruption.

10. She reeked of cheap perfume.

11. Her breath reeked of garlic.

12. The whole thing reeks of hypocrisy.

13. He simply reeks of the Ten Commandments.

14. His manner reeks of Affectation

15. His promotion reeks of favouritism.

16. And your feet reek.

17. It reeks of Fish Mooney.

18. That reek is from the fox.

19. 24 His breath reeked of tobacco.

20. His manner reeks of Affectation.

21. He reeks of holy oil.

22. His manner reeks of affectation.

23. The entire place reeks of necromancy.

24. Bowspritted and carvel built, reeking I think

25. The whole business reeks of dishonesty.

26. The conference room reeked of tobacco smoke.

27. Where there's reek there's heat.

28. It reeks of filth, of disease.

29. Historical best sellers reek with sentiment.

30. The way she speaks reeks of affectation.

31. All of us reek of alcohol.

32. Well, because you reek of dishonesty.

33. That man's clothes reek of tobacco.

34. He smelt the reek of whisky.

35. The horse was reeking with sweat.

36. 25 The conference room reeked of tobacco smoke.

37. A: Urgh , you reek of garlic!

38. The room reeked of talcum powder and dry urine.

39. A wooden sculpture titled "Abraham" reeked of anti-Semitism.

40. He walked in reeking powerfully of alcohol.

41. Three showers and I still reek of burning oil.

42. Beggars slept on street corners that reeked of urine.

43. The murderer's hands still reek with blood.

44. Inside, in a room reeking of incense, are people eating.

45. Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco?

46. Where have you been - you reek of alcohol?

47. And when did you start reeking of my aftershave?

48. The air was reeking with the smell of tobacco.

49. More of the reeking petrol was doused over him.

50. He came running into the house, reeking of sweat.

51. The reek of ordure voided from all his clothing.

52. I won't have you reeking with sweat in my bed!

53. Reek, I have glad tidings for you. I am to be wed.

54. Deze versterkte coördinatie Berust op een hele reeks instrumenten

55. Misty it is still, glowing through clouds of dust and reek.

56. Dried, the Bolete reeks of dark soy sauce and Chinese black vinegar.

57. Like Reek. He smells of the grave, though, I grant you that.

58. Illidan Stormrage: Your reek of death, human. You'll regret approaching me.

59. Good ventilation and be beneficial for hydrosphere reeked, an keep foot clean and comfortable.

60. He peeled off his T-shirt, revealing a chunky tanned torso that reeked of Lifebuoy soap.

61. You son of a double-dyed whore from the reeking gutters o'Rotterdam!

62. The room was filled with the reek of stale beer and cigarettes.

63. To Ortega, such a posture reeks of betrayal, social democratic aberrations and imperialist tendencies.

64. I don't like incense perfumes . They just make good clothes reek of smoke.

65. Yes, she had lost her unerring sense for the reek of evil.

66. Ears ringing, he recovered himself and turned to peer through the reek.

67. Croagh Patrick, the conical peak known locally as the Reek, dominated the skyline.

68. We cannot imagine our Lord reeking with the fumes of tobacco or putting into his mouth anything defiling.”

69. Saw your, flowing through the flimsy skins, around the sheer perfume, reeking in your invisible smile.

70. The clamour to draw a veil over the minister's extra-marital activities reeks of hypocrisy.

71. He liked the smooth-featured, sharp-eyed man, despite the reek of sweat and exertion.

72. Now it stood clear: the reek of fish, and sandstone cut with a Presbyterian trowel.

73. But antidotes don't always work, which is why he wears roses that reek of perfume.

74. Antonyms for Aromatized include smelly, stinking, foetid, fetid, noisome, malodorous, reeking, smelling, foul and foul-smelling

75. She took the wet gourd dipper from him, her nostrils wrinkling in distaste at the reek.

76. The murderess 's hands seemed to be reeking with blood after they had been washed clean.

77. On some occasions, places they have sat reeks of Coochie cream even after they are long gone

78. Their horses still in harness, and reeking from fatigue and heat, showed that the cortege had only just arrived.

79. Least of all when he is a bad-skinned, ginger-haired, balaclava-wearing oddball reeking of antiseptic.

80. There had been no time to braid the garlic, which lay in heaps, reeking as it baked in the sun.